Here is the list of my favorite links. Some are science and technology related, some are social issues, stc. Just click on the preferred categories: The links are sorted by date (the newest links are at the top) Information TechnologyMy Multiply blogs (Photo Collections) | This blog is primarily about my travel in europe, during my spare time...and some other writings as well | 04/28/2009 1:56pm (UTC) | 442 Clicks | Linuxworld online | Comprehensive review about Linux platform | 02/15/2009 8:17am (UTC) | 436 Clicks | PCWorld online | The most comprehensive review on PC platform | 02/15/2009 8:15am (UTC) | 352 Clicks | MacWorld online | The most comprehensive review about mac platform | 02/15/2009 8:15am (UTC) | 365 Clicks | Linux Foundation | The Linux Central Foundation, the members are big names in IT | 02/12/2009 1:35pm (UTC) | 359 Clicks | Apple Inc | The classical zen marketing corporation, while keep maintaining its hi-tech profile | 01/21/2009 8:48am (UTC) | 369 Clicks | <= Back to overviewJust enjoy them!